6 Broadway Performers Share Their Thoughts on Confidence

Confidence is such a tricky one, right?! It's invaluable as a performer and although I'm a big fan slash liiiivvvve by the phrase "fake it till you make it", true confidence is hard to fake. It's been a favorite topic on the blog because I'm always interested in picking up tips and tricks from the Bway pros about how they manage to stay confident onstage and off.

Obviously there's a wide range of confidence-- body confidence, work confidence, confidence to smile at a stranger, confidence to speak your truth in a relationship, confidence to move across the country, nailing a yoga pose confidence, hitting the high note confidence. Confidence defines our day-to-day FFB lifestyles.

So how do we get it? And how do we keep it?!

Practice Confidence Awareness >>

Literally as easy as being aware of what you're eating every day. IE: "that breakfast made me feel like a superhero" or "Ooo that snack did not do the trick and now I'm officially #hangry".

Simple, daily awareness of the activities, habits, or practices that ignite your confidence (or diminish it) and figuring out how to navigate through it ALL. Because let's be realistic, we can't live in our Glinda bubble of confidence every second of every day but knowing how to bounce back when our bubble gets popped.. that's the real deal! :)

Lately I've been totally vibing with being Confident Aware because of a few reasons...

  1. I started using a bullet journal // (I promise, for those of you interested, I am planning a how-to post because bullet journaling is literally changing my lyyyyfe) Through my bullet journal, I've been able to incorporate a mind, body, spirit approach to my daily planner. Basically I've made the Fit for Broadway lifestyle planner/journal of my dreams. One of my favorite features I've incorporated in my bullet journal is a daily mood tracker which has been so helpful in identifying the link between confidence and my day-to-day. It's been easy peasy to see what's effecting my confidence and realize the daily habits that keep my confident flag flying high.

  2. FFB features // Without a doubt, confidence always come up in conversation when I'm featuring someone on the blog. So much so that Courtney Reed (definitely one of my confidence idols) and I dedicated a whole series to this specific topic! Catch up on all the Courtney chat >> Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3! When you're consistently exploring how other people find their confidence, it's easier to navigate your own. Like "Ohhh that's how she manages to keep her cool before auditions" or "he said nerves are actually good?! #newmindset #nervous&confident!"

  3. Travelling // My confidence is always challenged while traveling which I think I secretly love. ;) Being in new places, finding my groove, going with the flow, accepting change, discovering new faces and places... it's all part of being confident. And even though traveling is my absolute favorite, it takes a certain amount of "hey girl, you got this" to head into uncharted territory confidently. PS: My travel buddy Ashley was a total example of confidence so reminder to surround yourself with people who exude the qualities you want to practice! (check out "8 Reasons You Should Travel with Your FFB BFF" too!)

I've managed to hit a stride and really navigate through the ups and downs of my own confidence simply by being aware with a sharp focus on  a. my personal power // choose to SHINE  &  b. all-star examples // other people who choose to SHINE.

One of my favorite FFB quotes to date is Laura Osnes on confidence. She's always been an example for me of positive, unwavering confidence and the essence of the FFB Apparel mantra, "Choose to Shine". The photo up top ^ of Laura was from the day we celebrated her as the inaugural FFB Broadway Hero

Here's what Laura and a few other Broadway Confidence Superheroes have to say about confidence to ignite inspiration for you guys to dig deep and let your light SHINE SHINE SHINE! :)

  • “Confidence is attractive. Not arrogance, confidence. Be proud of who you are and the gifts you’ve been given to share with the rest of this world. Only YOU can be YOU, so go out there and bring the best of YOU you have to offer in the audition room or on the stage. When I get nervous, I try to remember that A) I love doing this and this is what I feel I was created to do… so why should I be scared? B) This is one blip of time and the audition or the song or the performance will be over a short matter of time, so get over it! In fact, enjoy it while it lasts! C) Drink water, take three deep breaths, and say a little prayer. That always calms me down.” -Laura Osnes

  • “People who are able to show compassion for others and admit that they don’t have everything figured out. I think it takes an incredible amount of courage to be that vulnerable. Life has humbled me a lot, and instead of choosing those experiences to harden me, or become jaded, I have tried to embrace my darkest moments to allow myself to be more open and understanding to not only what others need, but also to encourage myself to maximize my full potential. Having the confidence to believe in yourself with humility vs arrogance is a quality I gravitate towards immediately.” -Michaeljon Slinger

  • “Next, stay HUMBLE. There is always someone in this business that can do something you can’t do.  People want to work with people who are easy to work with, positive, and kind. Have confidence in your craft and don’t be afraid of rejection.  It is a tough business, but be persistent, and keep working hard no matter how many ‘No’s you may hear.” -Julia Udine

  • “I learned that I had to grow above my failures and learn from them. I had to not let the auditions and jobs define me. By being a happy person in my life, regardless of what I was doing, that is how I stayed strong. I used the journey of the auditions, the missed opportunities, and failures to learn about myself. To know that if I went in the room and gave 100% of me, and I felt good about what I presented to the world that is all that mattered. Not allowing other people’s opinions to tell me how I should feel, or dictate what I thought of my performance. The funny thing is the more I became confident in myself and what I wanted from life, the opportunities started to present themselves. It is all about being confident on the inside. People want to work with happy people, it is a fact. So if you are not happy, chances are people are not going to be running to work with you, harsh but true.” -Eloise Kropp

  • “It sounds so weird to say but for me: the more nervous I am, the more confidence I have. When I feel nervous on a stage, I fight the nerves by looking out and knowing that I’m the only one feeling this. I got the part, I’m in the show, and no one in those seats have the Broadway Nerves. It also means you’re alert enough to be brave and make new choices. When I’m not nervous, I’m cocky…which is different than confident.” -Cody Scott Lancaster

  • “I don’t think I have specific advice for stage confidence because I believe it comes from one’s personal experience. Although, I do think training and technique provide invaluable confidence in performing. Someone once said to me “Technique is freedom.” If you have the technique, you can let go and trust that that pirouette or that leap or that note is going to be there which in turn gives you more opportunity to explore beyond the steps and create characters with freedom.” -Kristine Bendul

Yep Yep Yep, applause to all of THAT ^^^^ Sometimes literally all it takes is a positive example and lighting the flame again to feel your confidence come back to life!

What are ways YOU ignite your confidence?! What would your FFB quote on confidence be?! :)

Also, just feeling so grateful for each of you. You build my confidence daily and I feel so lucky to be a part of this FFB Tribe of support! Ya'll are amazing and I always love hearing from you so comment below or send me over an email jane@fitforbroadway.com Literally makes my day to hear from you. :)

lots of love! Hope these words of wisdom on confidence uplifted your week!


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