11 things I’ve learned from Broadway Performers about FOOD

Sooo if you're anything like me, you see Ana Villafane (aka Gloria) drinking Juice Press and snacking on dark chocolate almonds and suddenly it's your afternoon snack staple during your Broadway daydreams. Amiright?! ;) But in all seriousness, I have picked up some awesome tips about eating to fuel for the Broadway lifestyle since starting FFB.

If I could sum up how FFB interviews have helped shape my relationship to food, I would definitely say (*sing*) I've been changed FOR GOOD.

After seeing so many reoccurring food habits pop up, I wanted to make a massive list to share with you guys and highlight the most common food opinions that come up in FFB interviews.

Special Shoutout to Adam Jepsen in the picture with me ^ at Chicago the Musical during Stagedoor Snacks, the FFB healthy food initiative that is taking flight again on Broadway this fall in NYC!

1. B is for Broadway & BREAKFAST! 

“I LOVE morning breakfast – two eggs over medium on a bed of spinach and two pieces of flax seed toast with honey. Everyday!” —Paige Faure

“I’m an eggs morning and night fan. I fry up some chopped jalapeño sausage in some coconut oil, then add 2 eggs with half a cup of egg whites. Top with some fresh crumbled goat cheese and I’m a happy camper. I usually eat an apple and an orange with that, and splurge on some almond butter.” —Paul Shaefer

“Breakfast- yogi tea (cold defender), 1 gluten free flax Waffle and one piece of flax Ezikel toast, 2 eggs (scrambled? Haha I’m not a good chef so they were not pretty looking) I put some cayenne pepper and salt on them!, half of a green juice, Fire cider shot (this stuff is potent, it has apple cider vinegar mixed with all these heeling foods like turmeric and garlic to help clear your sinus and boost your body! It can work miracles!)” —Eloise Kropp

“Breakfast is the most important meal? Truth. I eat a lot of avocado. An ideal day is an enormous breakfast, a large lunch, and a small dinner..” —Rachel Zatcoff

“Breakfast is really important for me. I like to start with a high protein granola and nut cereal with almond milk or lactaid. I think everyone is somewhat lactose intolerant so it’s a nice idea to see what kind of milks work for you. Breakfast kicks you into gear so it’s important to make sure it’s not packed with too many sugars or fats.” —Chris Dawn

“Its all about breakfast. A well balanced and hefty breakfast makes for lighter eating and healthy snacking for the rest of the day. It also speeds up your metabolism. Every morning I make myself eggs, toast, fresh fruit and greek yogurt. After I eat and clean up the kitchen I am ready for a workout. A big breakfast gives me the energy I need to work hard. I would not be able to get up and exercise without first fueling my body.” —Michael Scirrotto

2. Nut butters for the WIN!

“Bananas and peanut butter or string cheese are favorites, too. Anything to keep me going.” —Ryan Worsing

“[My favorite energy boosting snack is] Banana and peanut butter! I love the pb at Witchcraft restaurant!” —Amanda Kloots

“I try to eat light after the show. It’s normally some veggies and hummus, or an apple with peanut butter, or protein shake.” —Kelcy Griffin

“I love snacking on red peppers, blueberries, hard-boiled eggs, and bananas with almond butter.” —Jonalyn Saxer

“My favorite morning pick me up is peanut butter and a banana. YUM!!!! Also, peanut butter and jelly on a 100 calorie english muffin is delicious in the morning too.” —Ashley Yeater

“Peanut Butter!! I love peanut butter! Actually, every single day of grade school my mom made me peanut butter and jelly on Ritz crackers.. This is still a favorite snack of mine. It reminds me of how awesome my mom is AND it’s delicious!” —Clay Thomson

“Sliced apples with Justin’s Maple Almond Butter are my go-to meal. I literally buy four jars at a time and keep two at home, two in my dressing room.” — Ana Villafane

3. We can all *sigh* from relief… they love chocolate & cookies & sugar.

“I’m a huge fan of dark chocolate covered almonds (specifically Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate covered almonds with turbinado sugar and sea salt), a little, sweet, salt, and protein!  I definitely eat dark chocolate before every show I do.” —Beth Nicely

“Mmmmmm…I usually go for a square (or 3) of dark chocolate or some dried mango! Gives me the perfect kick I need to get through the show!” —Jennifer Rias

“I have my own “Callan diet” which allows me to eat a little bit of the bad things that I crave like chocolate and ice cream, but also pays attention to important things for me, like keeping my sugar intake low and getting a lot of protein and veggies.” —Callan Bergmann

4. COFFEE. Broadway. eat. sleep. repeat.

“I’m a big fan of coffee 45 min before I do something physical (got that tip from Jillian Michaels). Then just getting enough rest is key I think.” —Beth Nicely

“The one thing that keeps me fueled is my Cuban espresso every single day before the show. I haven’t done a show without it yet.” —Carlos Gonzalez

“[For breakfast I have] 2 Egg OMELETTE and Coffee! I MUST HAVE COFFEE!!” —Adrienne Warren

“So I’ll wake up and have a few hard-boiled eggs. Along with oatmeal or quinoa and yogurt. I have a lot of food allergies. I am bubble girl. I need to be careful. But I need morning fuel. I am also addicted to coffee.” — Jessica Vosk

5. Their on-the-go energy boost? SMOOTHIES & SHAKES! 

“I’ve really gotten into Juice Generation lately. I’m a huge fruit consumer, but have trouble with greens, so having them all mixed together without anything added is a huge win, and it makes me feel a lot better too after my workouts!” —Ciara Renee

“When I’m in rehearsals I love making smoothies with my nutri-bullet. Drinking one of those throughout the day helps me stay focused and energized when you’re going from 10-6. I usually put a ton of spinach, a banana, an apple, Greek yogurt, and some frozen berries to make the most delicious smoothie.” —Jonalyn Saxer

“After my workout and before I leave home; I always make a protein smoothie with berries, spinach or kale, added Chia seed and coconut water.  Always fills me up and gives me that extra boost I need to help balance a bottle on my head.” —Reed Luplau

“Protein shakes! I try to have two a day! It’s quick and easy. One of my favorite recipes is One scoop of Gold Standard chocolate whey protein, spinach, almond milk, and 1/2 a banana. I’ll add oats if I need more calories! I don’t love vegetables, so I always try to throw spinach into shakes because once blended, you can’t even taste it. Gotta get those micronutrients : ))” —Ginna Claire

6. They listen to their bodies! 

“After years and years of working to change my relationship to food, I now have a practice of AWARENESS when I eat, and learning to LOVE food, and I try to put something green in my body, at least in a smoothie or something!  And I don’t restrict!  If I want fries, well then I eat fries! But if I allow myself to eat fries, I really make the conscious CHOICE that this is what I am giving myself so “sierra don’t be upset that you ate it!  Enjoy and then eat something good for you!” Really, THAT is the work you have to do to change your relationship to food.  And I find with this new attitude, I just WANT to eat healthy!  I crave things that are good for me, not junk!” —Sierra Boggess

“The other huge side of [food] is the mental component. Eating emotionally isn’t really an option – snacking on whole30 is a no-no…so you are forced to get to the root of the issue. Am I really hungry? If yes, then eat a whole30 compliant meal. If no, which is usually the answer, what do I really want in this moment? Usually, I was tired, so I started taking more naps or meditating more frequently. Am I bored? I picked up a good book. Am I lonely? I visited castmates in their dressing rooms. So yeah, Whole30 is eye-opening and enlightening. If you’re interested, get the book or read all the materials online first.” —Analisa Leaming

“I believe that the energy in which you put food into your body reflects on how your body processes it. If I worry about what I eat, and guilt eat- without a doubt I start gaining weight. I try to eat healthy and I am really good at portion control. I try to eat clean, but let myself have a cheat or two every week… I believe in loving food, and paying attention to what makes you feel good. Eating well makes me feel good and that’s what is most important to me.” —Paloma Garcia Lee

“Recently, a cast-mate in a workshop I was doing said to me, “I love the way you eat.”  And I looked down and saw that I was double-fisting a cold-pressed green juice and an Apple-Cider donut.  HA! I’ve never been one to deprive myself…or my sweet tooth. Food truly is “Fuel”…fuel for your mind and heart as well as your body.  So why not nourish yourself things that will make every ounce of you happy?  I feel my best when I listen to what my body wants as long as I “Prioritize Quality” —Ashley Park

three of my fav gals backstage with their show fuel (ummm hi cookies!! :) @dana_coz | @rachelzatcoff | @bethjnicely 

three of my fav gals backstage with their show fuel (ummm hi cookies!! :) 

@dana_coz | @rachelzatcoff | @bethjnicely 

7. Their definition of the word "diet" is healthy eating and it's not a diet, it's a way of life. 

“No. I eat healthy, and I don’t consider eating healthfully as a specific diet.” —Nicholas Cunningham

“My diet is just normal. I don’t deprive myself. I workout to eat what I want. Growing up I had a bad mind set about food. I think that just comes with the dancer territory. Now I believe in healthy moderation.” —Ashley Yeater

“I don’t necessarily [follow a diet]; I treat eating healthy as a lifestyle. As far as treats go…everything in moderation!” —Courtney Reed

8. They eat A LOT.

“Due to the highly physical nature of the show I found that I wasn’t eating enough.  To be fueled to perform eight times a week, carbohydrates are a must!  (Along with the appropriate amount of protein and fats for athletic individuals)” —Josh Green

“There is one thing I can’t stress enough though; I don’t starve myself. I eat a TON of food. I would never be able to work out the way I do if I didn’t.” —Matt Doyle

9. No jazz hands for processed foods from these Broadway stars. 

“I’ve had to remove almost all processed foods from my diet.” —Matt Doyle

"Within weeks of being here my body changed and for the first time I saw myself with an extra 10 pounds!Why? Poor nutrition! It wasn’t the amount of good that I was consuming, but WHAT “FOOD”- all processed foods, sugar, caned, frozen meals, animal products (and their antibiotics). I went back to what I knew, the food that I grew up with- beans, avocados, vegetables and homemade meals." —Marielys Molina

"I honestly feel that, because of how poorly I’ve eaten for most of my life, I’ve developed a lot of intolerances and digestion issues that are one of the biggest reasons why I’m able to stay away from highly sugary/processed foods at all. Because if I don’t, the level of sickness that occurs is pretty debilitating." —Ciara Renee

10. Their cheat day favorite is PIZZA! #NewYorkerslovetheirPizza

“Favorite cheat day food? A: I do love some pizza. Pizza doesn’t love me, but I love some pizza.” —Patina Miller

“Pizza :- )  I’m a NYC gal and love a good slice of pizza.  Quac and chips are up there as well.” —Beth Nicely

“One or two days a week I “cheat” and have French fries or pizza. I LOVE FRENCH FRIES AND PIZZA! Haha!” —Cody Scott Lancaster

11. PROTEIN is their BFF.  

“Make sure you’re having protein after you workout. Whatever your protein source is, making sure you’re getting enough protein to meet the demands of doing rigorous training and also performing.” —Patina Miller

“I do generally try to focus all of my diet around getting either protein and/or vegetables for every meal.” —Adam Jepsen

"My remedy for [unhealthy eating] is either a protein shake or a bowl of cereal. I buy unsweetened coconut almond milk that I’m in love with, much better than regular whole milk, to use in protein shakes or cereal. Getting creative with healthy add ins, flavored protein, lots of ice and that milk has literally let myself trick my brain multiple times. I combined the right ingredients to make a chocolate protein shake that tasted like a Wendy’s frosty. It totally was not a frosty, but the consistency and flavor helped curb the craving for a whole pint of Ben and jerrys. (Chocolate protein, coconut almond milk, a scoop of almond butter, and enough ice to make it thick and not liquid.. Way healthier and almost as good) I love using that same milk with granola or a high protein healthier option cereal and adding in fruits and a little honey." —Casey Garvin

Let me know whatchya think of the list! Anything surprise you, like how much they love chocolate? haha Also, in the food category, what do you want to see more of? Recipes? tips? Love hearing your input! :)

PS: Literally ready to burst about an announcement coming next week!! If you're going to be in NYC September 18th, save the date & stay tuned!!!!! 


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