Fit For Broadway

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#FFB: Matt Doyle

So if you haven't heard Matt's voice or want a refresher, take a listen here before reading on... heaven, right?! And it's probably hard to believe but he's even more handsome in person. Matt and I bonded over our semi (but not so semi) extreme approaches to all things fitness, diet, and health and agreed that it's a mind, body & soul connection that impacts every aspect of life. Matt's the real deal with a down to earth charm that makes him magnetic and fit for pretty much anything but most certainly, Fit for Broadway.

Note from Matt: Hi there! Matt Doyle here. I'm a 28 year old Broadway vet who's working on his solo full length pop album. I am extremely driven and currently pursuing new ventures outside of theater to broaden my spectrum as a creative professional.

"Mind Body Broadway" from Fit for Broadway Apparel

(click the picture or click HERE)


Q: Matt! Having you on the blog is a serious treat! First things, first. Your voice is seriously Amazing. Breathtaking. Wow. (And I still need to hear you live, asap!) When did you first start singing and performing?

A: Well, first of all, that's so sweet of you to say. Thank you so much! I actually started singing and performing when I was 13. I did local community theater shows and discovered my love for theater at a very young age. It was the first time I ever really felt comfortable in my own skin. I found a community of people that I loved and a passion that offered me guidance. I would train vocally about 4-6 hours a week with my best friend, Beth Behrs. We sort of pushed and motivated each other. We still do to this day.

Q: What was your journey like to Broadway?

A: I decided not to go to the university I was planning on attending (CMU) when I graduated from high school. It was a scary decision that isn't right for everyone. I knew college wasn't a good fit for me. I went to London for a year and attended a graduate program in classical theater instead. I had the time of my life. When I finished, I moved straight to NYC. I became a production assistant for music videos and commercials to scrape by on my rent while I attended open calls. After sitting on the non-equity benches for about 9 hours, I was seen for the original Broadway production of Spring Awakening. About 5 months of callbacks later, I got my first Broadway gig in the show, understudying Jonathan Groff. A few months later I was performing at the Tony Awards. It was an incredibly surreal experience. I was very fortunate. In the right place at the right time.

Q: A few tips for vocal health?

A: I'm a bit crazy when it comes to vocal health and I proudly admit that. Staying in the gym is so important. You vocal health is tied to every nerve and muscle in your body so staying in shape is crucial. For the past couple of years I've decided to be sober while performing. Alcohol is extremely drying. Keeping an eye on the rest of my diet is important as well. I usually cut out dairy if I have to sing. All of these things will help keep my voice from deteriorating more in the future.

Q: Can you explain the big shift you had in your relationship to fitness last year?

A: Since I moved to New York, I have needed to take fitness seriously for my career. I was 118 pounds when I moved here. I was a twig. That is what my body naturally wants to be. Wafer thin and gangly. A director told me if I ever wanted to be leading man material, I needed to start working out. I put on about 20 pounds of muscle over the years and started to fall in love with fitness. It wasn't until about a year ago that I really kicked up my game in the gym. I wanted to push myself to the next level. I battle chronic anxiety and depression and I was going through a rough time. I decided to seek a healthy outlet to help me cope. Nothing has helped me more than fitness so my real fitness "addiction" began. Endorphins are an incredible thing and I couldn't get enough of them. I know I can be a bit overzealous at times, but it's been really good for me. I started lifting 6 days a week, integrated heavy cardio, and completely changed my diet. I realized that I hadn't even scratched the surface of how far I could push myself. It was exciting. It has motivated me to do more in other areas of my life.

“I had a teacher in London tell me ‘Darling, stop taking yourself so seriously. It’s a play. We’re here to play. That’s why we are all doing this. So play.’ It’s something I need to repeat to myself to this day. I tattooed a little reminder on my wrist as well. It says, ‘play on’.”

Q: Anxiety and depression are common in New York as it’s easy to lose a sense of grounding or support and manage stress in a healthy way. I’ve certainly gone through ups and downs and constantly explore what it takes to stay balanced in mind, body, and spirit. What other ways besides fitness have you found beneficial for living a healthy and positive life?

A: To be successful in this industry, you have to surrender to the instability of it. That's a very difficult thing. Focusing on creative outlets of my own is crucial to my staying grounded, positive, and level headed. My music has been a great outlet. I have the most incredible and supportive fans that have made it all possible through Kickstarter. Come springtime I will also be a published comic book author! I'll be able to talk more about that soon.

Q: You mentioned that Fit for Broadway originally peaked your interest through the healthy recipes on the blog (which obviously made me beam!) How has your relationship to food evolved alongside fitness?

A: Even this morning I was drooling over one of your recipes! They always look so good! I started paying attention to my diet about a year ago. I was ordering crappy take out nearly every night and eating whatever I wanted. This was only hurting my performance at the gym. You are what you eat. The american diet went horribly wrong when we decided "low fat" was the way to eat. Fat is not the problem. Our bodies know how to process fat in moderation. Fat was replaced with sugar to improve the lack of flavor, and added sugars skyrocketed. The amount of added sugars our country consumes is disturbing. It's in EVERYTHING. I've had to remove almost all processed foods from my diet. I practice a low sugar diet now and mostly consume lean meats and veggies. I also rarely drink now. Only socially or on dates. There is one thing I can't stress enough though; I don't starve myself. I eat a TON of food. I would never be able to work out the way I do if I didn't. I'm just very particular about what goes into my body now. Eating this way only makes the occasional bowls of pasta and ice cream even better!

Q: Any favorite recipes you can share with us? :)

A: Here's an awesome recipe from another fitness blog I go to a lot. It's great. Simple and quick. So delicious! Cappers Chicken & Roasted Broccoli

Q: What is your advice for aspiring professional performers and singers?

A: Find things that are always going to be there for you, regardless of what's happening in your life professionally. You need constants. It's the only way to get through. Make sure you have a great base of friends and hobbies that bring you joy in the tougher times.

Q: The best advice you’ve ever received and favorite quote to live by?

A: I had a teacher in London tell me "Darling, stop taking yourself so seriously. It's a play. We're here to play. That's why we are all doing this. So play." It's something I need to repeat to myself to this day. I tattooed a little reminder on my wrist as well. It says, "play on”.

Q: We’re all following your fun behind-the-scenes photos of your new album recording! Can you tell us a little bit about the inspiration behind it, what we can expect, and where we pre-order?

A: Oh man, I am so excited about this album. The band tracking went so well. We get back in the studio in a week to start vocals. We have yet to announce the release date but it will most likely be the last week in January. Hopefully, I can set up a pre-order for the album as well.

I went through a tough time last year. There is a lot of heartbreak and honesty on this album. Ultimately I needed to pull myself out of one of the darkest moments of my life, and I reflect on that in this music. I think our lead single, "Moment", will connect with anyone who has reached rock bottom and had to fight back.

The sound on this album is lush and grand. It's Sam Smith meets Jamie Cullum. I'm extremely proud of what we've done so far. It's coming together beautifully.


@MattFDoyle // @MattFDoyle