Fit For Broadway

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#FFB: Jennifer Rias

Jenn is an absolute firecracker, firework, & stellar human! She came recommended by some of my favorite people in NYC so I knew she would be all things awesome and more. Her radiant, positive energy is completely contagious and no doubt has gotten her to where she is now. She proves discipline and staying true to yourself are the keys to staying Fit For Broadway!

BIOGRAPHY: Hi my name is Jenn Rias and I am a pumpkin loving, purple obsessed musical theatre nerd! Haha. I'm a California girl at heart but I now call the East Coast my home where I am currently in the cast of Aladdin on Broadway! A couple other fav NYC credits include being a Radio City Rockette and the Dance Captain at Rock of Ages!  I have a husband who I adore and 2 beautiful step-daughters that keep life fun!! I'm very thankful for everything in my life and thankful to be a part of this wonderful blog!!

Q: Describe your journey to Broadway.

A: It all started in Oceanside, CA when I was three and my parents put me into ballet class. They adopted me when I was 2 weeks old and thought I was going to be very tall because my birth parents were! Wanting me to be comfortable with my body, they put me into tap and ballet. When I was six my Dance Studio started doing musicals and I was a lost boy in Peter Pan...I was hooked!! I continued to dance all the way through high school and was accepted into the Dance Major program at UCSLB, but at the last minute decided to move to LA and go for it! Sorry Mom & Dad!! I worked there for 2 years and I got my equity card doing a new Broadway bound show called Dorian. I thought "I'm set, time to move to NYC!" Along with four friends I packed up and made the move across the country where I quickly found out hundreds of shows are "Broadway Bound." Dorian didn't make it, and now I was jobless!! I pounded the pavement and worked regionally for years. I did 2 National Tours and saw the whole country!! Finally after years of hard work I booked Rock of Ages and my dream came true. It wasn't the quickest road to Broadway but it was mine, and it was perfect for me. I'm sure my parents had NO idea that putting me into dance class was going to completely change my life, but that's exactly what it did.

Q: When did fitness and health become an important compliment to your performance career?

A: I realized pretty early on that the better I felt inside...the better I looked outside.  Sounds easy right?  Well, It wasn't until I moved to NYC that I realized I wasn't going to make it if I didn't really put myself and my health first.  NYC is the hardest place to live EVER.  Just getting groceries or washing your clothes is a huge project and undertaking.  If you aren't in shape, forget about dancing, you won't be able to survive!  It was then that I realized I'm not a kid anymore, If I want to succeed health and fitness has to be a part of my everyday life.

When I started asking myself "WHAT will be my workout today?" instead of "WILL I workout today?" it changed my whole perspective on staying fit.  It enticed me to get creative with different workouts and keep it fresh.

In ALADDIN there is a huge production number called Friend Like Me and it's over 7 minutes long.  Once you start it DOES NOT stop and it's so intense!  I would never ever be able to make it through the number if I wasn't focused on my fitness outside of the show. Being a Broadway performer is definitely a full time job!

Q: Describe your perfect workout.

A: If you would have asked me 4 years ago I would've said running 6 miles.  I always felt like a Rockstar after I did it and believe it or not, looked forward to doing it everyday!  But Now with the tough Broadway schedule it's definitely morphed into workouts that are more  dance based and lower impact.  My friend Tera-Lee teaches a Zumba class at Steps on Broadway and I have to say it's pretty perfect.  I guess the combination of dance,  fun bursts of cardio mixed with strength training, some fierce ab work, and amazing music is my heaven!

Q: You mentioned getting injured recently, how has it affected your performance abilities? Can you explain your journey to recovery?

A: I think the saying: EVERY SETBACK IS A SETUP FOR A COMEBACK sums it up pretty nicely!  Being injured is THE worst but it's the getting back up that matters.  It lets you see how strong you are as a person because no one can make you better but YOU.  As dancers we are highly susceptible to finding ourselves in a situation where we are going to be injured.  Sure, I hurt myself going down the stairs backstage at the theatre but, that's beside the point!! Haha. Once again, if we are not conditioning our bodies on a regular basis it is going to be impossible to come back from being hurt and immobile for a long time.  My journey to recovery includes ongoing Physical Therapy and continuing to expand my fitness horizons by finding and trying new classes and methods that strengthen my healing body.

Q: Do you follow a specific diet?

A: I don't follow a specific diet but I do do 2 things absolutely everyday of my life. #1. First thing when I wake up I have a large cup of cold water with lemon to get my body working.  I feel like it flushes me out and I instantly feel awake and ready to take on the day! #2. I never eat cheese. I don't like the taste at all so I can guarantee you that it won't be on the menu hahaha! Thankfully I love fruits and vegetables and I usually start my day by having  a green juice or smoothie for breakfast.  I definitely LOVE to snack so I'd rather eat little meals all day than have big ones.  As always balance is key, and it's something I have to work on every single day.

Q: What is your pre-show or intermission favorite snack?

A: Mmmmmm...I usually go for a square (or 3) of dark chocolate or some dried mango! Gives me the perfect kick I need to get through the show! I have a serious sweet tooth, can you tell?!?!

Q: What is your best advice for stage confidence?

A: If I'm ever feeling nervous or second guessing myself onstage, I just remember that I've literally been training my whole life for this.  Being prepared is the number one trick to being confident on stage. If you've put in the hard work, take a deep breath and enjoy the earned it!

Q: Who or what inspires you?

A: Two things are seriously inspiring me right now:

1. My Husband.  He is constantly working so hard to feel better, do better and be better.  Truly, he never stops.  It's so inspiring to see his dreams continue to grow every year and for him to work even harder at attaining them than he did the year before.  He makes the future look really good.  I feel so lucky to have someone in my life who is constantly a source of positivity and who keeps me on track. Everyone needs someone like this in their lives...surround yourself with focused, determined, fun loving people.

2. Ballerinas.  I've always been obsessed with them but more and more I am so intrigued by their lifestyle.  That discipline is just unmatched by ANY.  I'm not sure there is another type of performer or athlete who works harder than a professional ballet dancer does, and has had to for all of their lives to get to that level.  Thinking about the dedication they have to their craft always makes me work harder, push harder and almost always gets me out of the house and into dance class!!

Q: What is your advice for those trying to perform on Broadway?

A: Be patient and work hard.  Sure, some people have their moment early and get their first Broadway show right out of college, but the vast majority of us had to work long and hard for it.  Some of my favorite memories are of doing regional shows, paying my dues and touring around the country.  It was hard but looking back I truly wouldn't change it for the world.  When it's your time and all the stars align, it will happen.

Q: Quote to live by...

A: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

This Golden Rule goes through my head several times a day.  It just absolutely pertains to everything in life.