Fit For Broadway

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#FFB: Cody Scott Lancaster

Cody is the type of person you feel connected with instantly! He has fantastic energy and a lightheartedness that is so genuine and attractive. Understanding health and balance in such a positive way,


BIOGRAPHY: I'm Cody Scott Lancaster and I'm currently rocking it out on Broadway in Rock of Ages! I moved to New York 3.5 years ago to join the company of RoA after closing the Toronto company a month earlier. Since moving here, I have been so lucky to hang with and learn from the most amazing people, all while exploring the greatest freakin' city in the world! It's because of these people that I started caring more about my health and fitness and why I'm Fit for Broadway!

Q: What is the most physically challenging part of performing?

A: Teaching your body to do it 8x a week, 50 weeks a year! You have to be able to give it your all, and make sure the audience doesn't think you're tired, but also save a little energy for the other 7 performances that week. I'm very lucky that I don't have to dance as much as the ladies in our show...and they do it in heels!

Q: How would you describe your fitness routine?

A: I try to get to the gym 5-6 times a week. Because of my character, I have to keep long and lean so I do a lot of cardio (either interval sprinting or stair master). In addition to cardio, I attack a different body part every time. During Broadway Bares, an annual Strip Show raising money for BC/EFA, I go a lot harder. I try to get as big as I can while staying true to Franz (my character in Rock of Ages) and eat about 1.5-2 grams of protein per pound of body weight a day. When getting big, eating enough is the hardest part for me because I have such a fast metabolism. But every year on the night of Broadway Bares, I feel so accomplished!

Q: How do you keep your voice healthy?

A: Keeping an eye on how your body looks on the outside is crucial, but what you put inside of it is just as important. I don't party too often anymore because I just can't sing the notes in our show with a hungover throat! Honey and tea are a singers best friend.

Q: Do you follow a specific diet?

A: I try to eat lean meats, and good carbs. I could go for turkey and sweet potatoes every single day. I will always be a little kid when it comes to vegetables, so everyday I get the NutriBullet out, grind up my veggies, and guzzle them down. One or two days a week I "cheat" and have French fries or pizza. I LOVE FRENCH FRIES AND PIZZA! Haha!

Q: What is your favorite energy-boosting snack/meal?

A: I love almonds! Blue Diamond, if you're reading this, I want to be your sponsor! I go through Blue Diamonds Low Sodium (and Salt&Vinegar) almonds like a mad man. Oh and when I'm feeling like a special treat, Schmackarys all the way!

Q: What is your favorite late night snack after performances?

A: Popsicles. I eat so so many sugar-free Ice Pops it's insane. They make me feel a bit more full and give me the sweet I crave so much (I have a major sweet tooth). And they're so easy to make too!

Q: What is your best advice/strategies to fight fatigue?

A: Sleep is so important! Not just for the brain to stay alert but for your body to digest it's food and your muscles to repair themselves. Get your sleep in! And if you don't, don't nap for 4 hours later, get your nap on for 30 mins and then get up and get on with your day!

Q: What is your best advice for stage confidence?

A: It sounds so weird to say but for me: the more nervous I am, the more confidence I have. When I feel nervous on a stage, I fight the nerves by looking out and knowing that I'm the only one feeling this. I got the part, I'm in the show, and no one in those seats have the Broadway Nerves. It also means you're alert enough to be brave and make new choices. When I'm not nervous, I'm cocky...which is different than confident.

Q: Who or what inspires you?

A: Everything and everyone! I find inspiration many times every day. Whether it's a little kid who is incredible in a movie, or a mother carrying children all over this crazy city while still running her errands, to my fellow performers making new choices on stage. I get inspired very easily, which I'm so grateful for!

Q: How does your physical fitness affect your performance abilities?

A: I do a lot of Physical Comedy in my show. So staying fit and limber and stretching my body is so important. A couple months ago, the smallest thing went wrong while doing a choreographed 'lift' in the show and I ended up spraining 3 ribs. I was out of the show for 6 weeks and in Physical Therapy 3x/wk. After 4.5 years, it's not surprising something like this happened, but if I didn't stay fit and stretch, it probably would've happened many times by now. Since coming back from Medical Leave, I've had to try and keep up with my workout regime, while still taking care of the injury.

Q: Tips on finding the time to stay physically/vocally fit?

A: Everyone has an hour in their day to do some scales and sweat it out. If I'm having a day that I just cannot fathom going to the gym, I dance it out in my bedroom. And I dance it out HARD Haha! I remember hearing Matthew McConaughey say years ago that if nothing else, make sure you sweat once a day.

Q: What is your advice for those trying to perform on Broadway?

A: If you really want it, do something every day to go for it. Take a class, learn a new song, see a new show. And when I say new shows, I mean NEW shows. Go Off-Broadway and Off-Off-Broadway and see where a lot of Broadway Shows begin. Audition for free readings and workshops and labs. Get in on the ground floor! And never stop taking class. Ever!

BONUS QUESTION: Can you tell me a little about your Strippathon Page and how someone can donate?

A: This year I came in third place at the Broadway Bares strip-a-Thon, raising $11,285! You can still donate now at to add to last years amount, or wait until March to be part of the 2015 family :-) Every day I would email, make phone calls, take pictures in my unitard from Rock of Ages, and just ask random people for donations. It's a cause that is extremely close to my heart and I would do anything to raise as much as I can for BC/EFA!!