What Broadway Stars Eat for Snacks


Packing healthy snacks is always a challenge for me. I'm always on the go and need quick, easy eats to fuel my workout, refuel after a workout, boost my energy, or just settle my growling stomach. I've discovered my go-tos but I decided to turn to a few Broadway stars for more ideas on how they keep healthy on the go! Take a look at what these performers eat for snacks.


Beth Nicely: "I’m a huge fan of dark chocolate covered almonds (specifically Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate covered almonds with turbinado sugar and sea salt), a little, sweet, salt, and protein!  I definitely eat dark chocolate before every show I do.  Bananas are also a go-to…great source of iron."

Read Beth's FFB Feature HERE


Paul Schaefer: "...a pint of fresh blueberries. I eat a lot of food so there’s not much time for snacks. Some good organic salted cashews is a quick helper."

Read Paul's FFB Feature HERE


Paloma Garcia-Lee: "Sesame Cashews from Trader Joes. Seltzer water and some Dark Salted Chocolate. NOM!"

Read Paloma's FFB Feature HERE

Albert Guerzon: "I’m a huge fan of Shakeology.  Beachbody’s protein shake.  I literally have it every morning and in the middle of my day.  I EAT A LOT.  I do so much cardio at work it’s hard to keep muscle on my body.

Read Albert's FFB Feature HERE

Laura Osnes: "My husband is the cook of the family, and if it weren’t for him, I’d probably live on trail mix, apples/celery with peanut butter, tuna and crackers, and chips with salsa, haha.."

Read Laura's FFB Feature HERE


Nicholas Cunningham: "I really enjoy fresh orange juice, hard boiled eggs or bananas, not together, obviously. I boil my eggs in a cooker from Cuisinart (go out and buy one they are a life saver) some times up to eight at a time so have them ready to go when ever I want. Orange juice is always good to have for a natural energy boost, also I love the taste. I never eat sweets for an energy boost as it always spikes, and you crash quickly. Fruit on the other hand with all it’s natural goodness will release those sugars over a much longer arch and you’ll find it easier to produce work that way, bananas I find are the best for that result."

Read Nicholas's FFB Feature HERE

Ciara Renee: "I’ve really gotten into Juice Generation lately. I’m a huge fruit consumer, but have trouble with greens, so having them all mixed together without anything added is a huge win, and it makes me feel a lot better too after my workouts!"

Read Ciara's FFB Feature HERE

Adam Jepsen: "A protein shake. During intermission at shows I generally have a cliff bar or an apple or orange. My roommate is getting me interested in Quest Bars though…so that will most likely replace my Cliff Bar snack soon."

Read Adam's FFB Feature HERE

Interested in what I pack for snacks? FFB: <<My Favorite Snacks Feature>> coming this weekend! :)

What's everyone else snacking on? Any on-the-go favorites? Thoughts on healthy treats? [click the comment button to share] 


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